Dr. Richard Schulze и лечение растениями

Dr. Richard Schulze и лечение растениями

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Формула детоксикации (после формулы для печени)

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Формула детоксикации после формулы для печени.

      Одуванчик корень, Лопух корень, По Д`арко кора, Коричное дерево кора, Кардамон семена, Лакрица корень, Фенхель семена, Можжевельная ягода, Имбирь, Гвоздика почки, Черный перец горошек, Медвежьи ушки листья, Хвощ трава, Апельсин кожура и Петрушка корень.

Терапевтическое действие.

      Эта формула основана на древней восточной формуле. Она мягко чистит кровь, кожу, печень, желчный пузырь и хорошее средство для использования после формулы для печени. Она вымывает из организма желчь и жир который вышел из печени и желчного пузыря. Это также мягкий деуретик и дезинфицирующее средство для почек. Использование формулы в виде чая позволяет отказаться от кофе, он вкусный, темного цвета и хорошо пьется.

Через 15 минут после формулы для печени, а также в любое время в виде чая.


Detoxification Herb Tea

      Roasted Dandelion root, Burdock root, Pau d' Arco inner bark, Cinnamon bark, Cardamon seed, Licorice root, Fennel seed, Juniper berries, Ginger root, Clove buds, Black Peppercorns, Uva Ursi leaves, Horsetail herb, Orange peel and Parsley root.

Therapeutic Action
      This tea has numerous health benefits. First, it is based on an ancient East Indian digestive tea formula. Over the years in my clinic I have seen my patients eat almost anything and survive if they drank a cup of this tea before, during and after the meal. It is a stimulant to the entire digestive process, especially the stomach during the first stages of digestion.

      This tea also mildly cleanses the blood, skin, liver, and gall bladder and is the perfect tea to use after the liver flush. It flushes out the bile and fats that the liver flush purged from your liver and gall bladder. It is also a mild diuretic and disinfectant to the kidneys and bladder and will cause you to urinate a little more within an hour after ingestion.

      This tea is also an excellent coffee replacement. It is a hot beverage, dark in color and tastes good. It's even better when a little pure maple syrup is added to the final brew. It also increases your circulation but has no caffeine. I used it in my clinic successfully for years to help people get off the coffee habit.

      2 cups of the tea consumed 15 minutes after doing your Liver/Gall Bladder Flush. It can also be drunk at any other time during the day, as many cups as desired.

      Put 1 tablespoon (medium) or 2 tablespoons (strong) of this tea into 20 ounces of distilled water. Be sure to use only stainless steel or glass cookware. Let the tea sit in the water overnight. In the morning heat up to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for 15 minutes. Strain the herbs, do not discard them, let cool a bit but use hot. Put the used herbs back into the pot, add 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs and 20 ounces of pure water. Let sit overnight and repeat whole process again. Keep adding new herbs to old ones for three days, then discard all herbs and start over.

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